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Learn Hindi Pronouns and "To Be" Verb



🔊 Click on any Hindi word in the table below to hear its pronunciation.

  • मैं (I/me)
  • तुम (You - informal)

To Be Verb "Hona" in Hindi:

The verb "to be" in Hindi is होना (hona). It remains constant throughout the sentences:

    Word Order Comparison:

    English Hindi
    Subject + Verb + Object (SVO) Subject + Object + Verb (SOV)

    This difference highlights that while English typically places the verb between the subject and object, Hindi tends to place the verb at the end of the sentence. Therefore, it's essential to recognize that the verb generally occupies the end position in Hindi sentences. Here are some examples:

    🔊 Click on any Hindi word in the table below to hear its pronunciation.


      Subject Object Verb
      मैं (I) ऋषि (Rishi) हूँ (am)
      English: I am Rishi
      मैं (I) विद्यार्थी (student) हूँ (am)
      English: I am a student
      मैं (I) अच्छा (good) हूँ (am)
      English: I am good
      मैं (I) खुश (happy) हूँ (am)
      English: I am happy
      मैं (I) जयपुर से (from Jaipur) हूँ (am)
      English: I am from Jaipur
      आप (You) शिक्षक (teacher) हैं (are)
      English: You are a teacher
      आप (You) डॉक्टर (doctor) हैं (are)
      English: You are a doctor
      आप (You) अच्छे (good) हैं (are)
      English: You are good
      आप (You) खुश (happy) हैं (are)
      English: You are happy
      आप (You) दिल्ली से (from Delhi) हैं (are)
      English: You are from Delhi
      तुम (You) दोस्त (friend) हो (are)
      English: You are a friend
      तुम (You) छात्र (student) हो (are)
      English: You are a student
      तुम (You) अच्छे (good) हो (are)
      English: You are good
      तुम (You) खुश (happy) हो (are)
      English: You are happy
      तुम (You) मुंबई से (from Mumbai) हो (are)
      English: You are from Mumbai
      ये (He) मेरे दोस्त (my friends) हैं (are)
      English: He is my friend
      ये (He) मेरा परिवार (my family) है (is)
      English: He is my family
      ये (He) मेरे शिक्षक (my teachers) हैं (are)
      English: He is my teacher
      ये (He) मेरे भाई (my brothers) हैं (are)
      English: He is my brother
      ये (He) मेरे बच्चे (my children) हैं (are)
      English: He is my child
      वो (She) मेरा दोस्त (my friend) है (is)
      English: She is my friend
      वो (She) मेरी बहन (my sister) है (is)
      English: She is my sister
      वो (She) मेरा शिक्षक (my teacher) है (is)
      English: She is my teacher
      वो (She) मेरा परिवार (my family) है (is)
      English: She is my family
      वो (She) मेरा भाई (my brother) है (is)
      English: She is my brother
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